Monday, March 3, 2014

Score Studying

Happy snow day!

I thought I would share with you how I score study.

For me score study helps with:
1.) How to conduct the song (I LOVE conducting, I have since I was a drum major in high school).

Everyone has their own conducting, score studying as we all know just helps find the dynamic changes, places to cue, ect.)

2.) Memorizing the song ,so I don't have to look down at it instead of the students.

I think this is extremely important, not only does it help you in rehearsal to know what is coming next or who to cue; It also helps your students know you are truly paying attention and helping them through the song as you are looking around at them and not your stand.

3.) Figuring out what I want to work on with my students on a given day.

          (A hard rhythm, harmony, articulation ect.)

First I get the score sit down and follow along with a recording.  After getting a feel for style, tempo, and possible trouble spots.

Then I start putting post-it notes EVERYWHERE!  Writing things down really helps me remember what I want to do and how I want to teach it.

I like the post-it's because I can always add or take away easily.

In regards to remembering: it really helps me to write my lesson plan after I do a score study.
(More to come on how I lesson plan)

I know a teacher that after the students accomplish a goal that was on a post-it they get to toss it in a jar to see how much they have accomplished.  I think if you do this consistently it would be a really good confidence booster for a group!

Let me know if you have any ideas to add :)


  1. One of my tricks is to use erasable colored pencils to make little notes on my scores. This way I don't have to use post-its that used to clutter up my score and it's also very eye-catching.
    I really liked your tips! Thanks!
    - Candace

    1. Thanks Candace! That is a great idea I'll have to try it!
